Behind the Headlines with Finn’s Matt Bourn

Leeds-based Finn officially opens its new London office this month, so Gorkana goes Behind the Headlines with London head Matt Bourn to talk about cutting his teeth as a children’s entertainer, his thoughts on reinventing PR for the digital landscape and what happened when he first pitched to a journalist.

Finn Matt Bourn

Matt Bourn

Before I reach the office in the morning, I’ve already…
Given my kids a hug, my wife a kiss, read as many different media as I possibly can, cleared all emails, had a coffee and – at a push – eaten some breakfast.

You’ll mostly find emails about…in my inbox.
Launch plans for Finn London, thoughts on how to reinvent PR for the new digital landscape, countless newsletters on PR, brands, media, advertising and technology, in equal measure.

I know I’ve had a good day if…
I’ve spent my time solving the problems first and then ending doing the stuff I really enjoy, like developing team members, catching up with clients, speaking to journalists, learning about a new brief, seeing friends and finding that spare ten minutes (minimum) to write something.

My first job was…
A children’s entertainer, on a campsite in France. Bit of an unorthodox introduction to consultancy, but it was also where I met my wife who ran the rival children’s club.

I can tell a campaign is succeeding when…
Unprompted, the team is talking to me about the campaign, sharing results and coming up with more ideas to make it work. When it goes silent is the time to ask questions.

I eat….when nobody is watching.
My favourite meal to cook-up when I’m on my own is a steak, cooked rare, left to settle on flat mushroom, with a dab of mustard and glass of red wine. Usually accompanied by a scary movie.

The first time I pitched to a journalist…
He told me unless I had a bad story about my client to get the f**k off his phone.

The worst thing anyone has said to me is…
There’s no such thing as Father Christmas.

The last book I read was…
A Brief History of Seven Killings by Marlon James.

I’ve never really understood why…
Politicians behave the way they do, and that has been compounded in recent weeks. I can’t help feeling the world would be a better place without most of them in it right now.

If I could go back and talk to my ten-year-old self, I’d say…
Stop worrying and get on with what you’re good at.

This time next year, I’ll be…
Celebrating year one of Finn London with the Finn team, clients and friends!

Fancy featuring in a Behind the Headlines interview? Please email

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